Parents and Caregivers


“Helping parents and caregivers communicate more clearly, and enforce limits with greater consistency.”

Parenting is complicated.
There’s no formal blueprint or straightforward way of managing the handful of challenges you face when raising kids, not to mention balancing your own needs with those of your children.


In addition, sometimes the problems your child faces can feel so frustrating that it negatively impacts your ability to connect with him/her in more meaningful ways.
Therapy is a practical resource for parents who are looking for ways to better help their children, from learning how to communicate more effectively, to setting/enforcing limits more consistently in the home setting. Most importantly, however, therapy is an opportunity for parents to improve and strengthen their relationship with their child.

No matter what you or your family is going through, my aim is to help you, the parent, develop a clearer understanding of your child’s emotional/behavioral needs as you gain the necessary tools to support them.

Common issues and concerns:

Parent-child relationships conflicts.
Age-appropriate discipline/consequences.
Emotional & behavioral dysregulation (e.g., tantrums, defiance, anger, etc.).
Parenting-related stress/anxiety. Communication skills.
Setting/enforcing limits & boundaries.
Monitoring internet/electronics.
Bullying & peer-related conflicts.
Academic/school problems.
Special Education (e.g., 504 Plans, IEP's).
Identity issues (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender/sexuality, religion/spirituality, etc.).
And more...