Early-Career Adult Professionals
Our lives are full of transitions.
Maybe you’ve graduated from college or university, have recently moved, or currently struggling in your romantic or family relationships. Perhaps you’ve been offered your dream job, or worse, rejected by your dream job. You thought you’d be somewhere else by now, but where you’re presently at isn’t it. As a result, you’re experiencing a range of negative thoughts and feelings, such as depression and anxiety, disappointment, or just plain confusion. No matter the circumstances, the ups and downs of daily life can thwart our expectations, and hinder our capacity to experience joy and contentment. How we navigate and respond to these challenges is half of the work.
Therapy is an opportunity for you to identify your values and life purpose while exploring the parts of your life that feel incongruent or overwhelming.
My goal is to help you utilize your individual strengths and to be more open and accepting of challenges, as you explore what it means to live and pursue a fuller and more meaningful life.
Common issues and concerns:
Phase of life and adjustment issues.
Stress, anxiety & depression.
Relationship conflicts/issues.
Communication skills.
Low motivation and job dissatisfaction.
Work-related conflicts.
Personal/family identity and values.
And more...